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한영찬송가처럼 한글과 영어가 같이 있는 파일입니다.
NWC 2.75버전으로 작업하였습니다.
프로그램은 유틸리티 게시판에 있습니다.
2016년 12월 최종수정.
NWC,악보,통합찬송가,한영찬송가,444장,예수가 거느리시니,He Leadeth Me: O Blessed Thought,새찬송가,390장,
한글 가사
1.예수가 거느리시니
즐겁고 평안하구나
주야에 자고 깨는 것
예수가 거느리시네
주 날 항상 돌보시고
날 친히 거느리시네
주 날 항상 돌보시고
날 친히 거느리시네
2.때때로 괴롬 당하면
때때로 기쁨 누리네
풍파 중에 거느리고
평안할 때 거느리네
주 날 항상 돌보시고
날 친히 거느리시네
주 날 항상 돌보시고
날 친히 거느리시네
3.내 주의 손을 붙잡고
천국에 올라가겠네
괴로우나 즐거우나
예수가 거느리시네
주 날 항상 돌보시고
날 친히 거느리시네
주 날 항상 돌보시고
날 친히 거느리시네
4.이 세상 이별할 때에
지옥의 권세 이기네
천국에 있을 때에도
예수가 거느리시네
주 날 항상 돌보시고
날 친히 거느리시네
주 날 항상 돌보시고
날 친히 거느리시네
찬송가 영어 가사
1.He lead-eth me: O bless-ed thought!
O words with heaven-ly com-fort fraught!
What-e'er I do, wher-e'er I be,
Still 'tis God's hand that lead-eth me.
He lead-eth me, He lead-eth me;
By His own hand He lead-eth me.
His faith-ful fol-lower I would be,
For by His hand He lead-eth me.
2.Some-times 'mid scenes of deep-est gloom,
Some-times where E-den's bow-ers bloom,
By wa-ters calm, o'er trou-bled sea,
Still 'tis His hand that lead-eth me.
He lead-eth me, He lead-eth me;
By His own hand He lead-eth me.
His faith-ful fol-lower I would be,
For by His hand He lead-eth me.
3.Lord, I would clasp Thy hand in mine,
Nor ev-er mur-mur nor re-pine;
Con-tent, what-ev-er lot I see,
Since 'tis my God that lead-eth me.
He lead-eth me, He lead-eth me;
By His own hand He lead-eth me.
His faith-ful fol-lower I would be,
For by His hand He lead-eth me.
4.And when my task on earth is done,
When by Thy grace the vic-t'ry's won,
E'en death's cold wave I will not flee,
Since God through Jor-dan lead-eth me.
He lead-eth me, He lead-eth me;
By His own hand He lead-eth me.
His faith-ful fol-lower I would be,
For by His hand He lead-eth me. A-men.
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