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2016년 12월 최종수정.

NWC,악보,통합찬송가,한영찬송가,192장,영원히 죽게 될 내 영혼,There Was One Who Was Willing to Die,


한글 가사

1.영원히 죽게 될 내 영혼 구하려

주께서 십자가 지셨네

우리의 죄악을 용서해 주시려

갈보리 험한 길 가셨네

나의 죄 사했네 나의 죄 사했네

주님이 지신 십자가로

우리 주 예수님 날 대신하시고

죄 없이 십자가 지셨네

2.나의 맘 깨끗게 하려고 오신 주

사랑은 한없이 크도다

주께서 내 죄를 사하신 후로는

온전히 자유함 얻었네

나의 죄 사했네 나의 죄 사했네

주님이 지신 십자가로

우리 주 예수님 날 대신하시고

죄 없이 십자가 지셨네

3.언제나 주님의 능력을 힘입고

이 세상 기쁘게 살겠네

나의 죄 사하여 깨끗게 했으니

언제나 찬송을 부르리

나의 죄 사했네 나의 죄 사했네

주님이 지신 십자가로

우리 주 예수님 날 대신하시고

죄 없이 십자가 지셨네

찬송가 영어 가사

1.There was one who was will-ing to die in my stead,

That a soul so un-wor-thy might live,

And the path to the cross He was will-ing to tread,

All the sins of my life to for-give.

They are nailed to the cross, They are nailed to the cross,

O how much He was will-ing to bear!

With what an-guish and loss, Je-sus went to the cross!

But He carri-ed my sins with Him there.

2.He is ten-der and lov-ing and pa-tient with me,

While He cleans-es my heart of its dross;

But "there's no con-dem-na-tion," I know I am free,

For my sins are all nailed to the cross.

They are nailed to the cross, They are nailed to the cross,

O how much He was will-ing to bear!

With what an-guish and loss, Je-sus went to the cross!

But He carri-ed my sins with Him there.

3.I will cling to my Sav-ior and nev-er de-part

I will joy-ful-ly jour-ney each day,

With a song on my lips and a song in my heart,

That my sins have been tak-en a-way.

They are nailed to the cross, They are nailed to the cross,

O how much He was will-ing to bear!

With what an-guish and loss, Je-sus went to the cross!

But He carri-ed my sins with Him there.

Posted by 영육치료