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한영새찬송가처럼 한글과 영어가 같이 있는 파일입니다.
NWC 2.75버전으로 작업하였습니다.
프로그램은 유틸리티 게시판에 있습니다.
2016년 12월 최종수정.
NWC,악보,새찬송가,한영,306장,죽을 죄인 살려주신,Wonderful is Jesus' great love,
새찬송가 한글 가사
1. 죽을 죄인 살려주신
크신 은혜 놀라워라
십자가를 바라보며
눈물로써 감사하네
감당 못 할 크신 은혜
무엇으로 보답할까
힘을 다해 봉사하고
생명 다해 충성하리
2. 병든 이 몸 고쳐주신
크신 사랑 고마워라
능력의 주 바라보며
강건하게 살아가자
감당 못 할 크신 은혜
무엇으로 보답할까
힘을 다해 봉사하고
생명 다해 충성하리
3. 이 몸 불러 맡겨주신
귀한 사명 고마워라
말씀 따라 순종하며
끝날까지 충성하자
감당 못 할 크신 은혜
무엇으로 보답할까
힘을 다해 봉사하고
생명 다해 충성하리
4. 하나님의 자녀 삼은
크신 은혜 고마워라
생명의 주 바라보며
하늘나라 들어가리
감당 못 할 크신 은혜
무엇으로 보답할까
힘을 다해 봉사하고
생명 다해 충성하리
새찬송가 영어 가사
1.Won-der-ful is Je-sus' great love. He saved us from all of our sins.
We give thanks to Je-sus our Lord. As we see Him on the rug-ged cross.
For His great love what can we do How to re-turn for His great love.
Our life we give for His cal-ling Serv-ing peo-ple for His name's sake.
2.We are thank-ful for His great love From the sick-ness He has healed us.
Our life should be heal-thy and sound As His pow-er-ful hands up-on us.
For His great love what can we do How to re-turn for His great love.
Our life we give for His cal-ling Serv-ing peo-ple for His name's sake.
3.Je-sus calls us for his great work We will serve Him as He loved us.
We will o-bey what He com-mands To the end of our life on earth.
For His great love what can we do How to re-turn for His great love.
Our life we give for His cal-ling Serv-ing peo-ple for His name's sake.
4.Great is God's love who made us one We are child-ren in His fa-mi-ly.
We will be there in His King-dom As we fol-low Lord of true life.
For His great love what can we do How to re-turn for His great love.
Our life we give for His cal-ling Serv-ing peo-ple for His name's sake.