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한영새찬송가처럼 한글과 영어가 같이 있는 파일입니다.
NWC 2.75버전으로 작업하였습니다.
프로그램은 유틸리티 게시판에 있습니다.
2016년 12월 최종수정.
NWC,악보,새찬송가,한영,297장,양 아흔아홉 마리는,There Were Ninety and Nine,통합찬송가,191장,
새찬송가 한글 가사
1. 양 아흔아홉 마리는 울 안에 있으나
한 마리 양은 떨어져 길 잃고 헤매네
산 높고 길은 험한데 목자를 멀리 떠났네
목자를 멀리 떠났네
2. 그 아흔아홉 마리가 넉넉지 않은가
저 목자 힘써 하는 말 그 양도 사랑해
그 길이 멀고 험해도 그 양을 찾을 것이라
그 양을 찾을 것이라
3. 길 잃은 양을 찾으러 산 넘고 물 건너
그 어둔 밤이 새도록 큰 고생하셨네
그 양의 울음소리를 저 목자 들으셨도다
저 목자 들으셨도다
4. 산길에 흘린 피 흔적 그 누가 흘렸나
길 잃은 양을 찾느라 저 목자 흘렸네
손발은 어찌 상했나 가시에 찔리셨도다
가시에 찔리셨도다
5. 저 목자 기쁨 넘쳐서 큰소리 외치며
내 잃은 양을 찾았다 다 기뻐하여라
저 천사 화답하는 말 그 양을 찾으셨도다
그 양을 찾으셨도다
새찬송가 영어 가사
1.There were nine-ty and nine that safe-ly lay
In the shel-ter of the fold.
But one was out on the hills a-way,
Far-off from the gates of gold
A-way on the moun-tains wild and bare.
A-way from the ten-der Shep-herd's care,
A-way from the ten-der Shep-herd's care.
2."Lord Thou hast here Thy ninety and nine;
Are they not enough for Thee?"
But the Shep-herd made answer,
"This of Mine Has wan-dered a-way from Me,
And al though the road be rough and steep,
I go to the des-ert to find My sheep.
I go to the des-ert to find My sheep."
3.But none of the ran-somed ev-er knew
How deep were the wa-ters crossed;
Nor how dark was the night that the Lord passed
thro' He found His sheep that was
lost. Out in the desert He heard its cry,
Si-ck and helpless, and ready to die;
Si-ck and helpless, and ready to die.
4."Lord, whence are those blood-drops all the way
That mark out the moun-tain's track?"
"They were shed for one who had gone a-stray
Ere the Shep-herd could bring him back."
"Lord, whence are Thy hands so rent and torn?"
"They're pierced to-night by many a thorn
They're pierced to-night by many a thorn."
5.But all thro' the moun-tains thun-der-riv'n,
And up from the rock-y steep,
There a-rose a glad cry to the gate of heaven,
"Re-joice! I have found my sheep!"
And the an-gels echoed a-round the throne,
"Re-joice, for the Lord brings back His own!
Re-joice, for the Lord brings back His own!"